Abby's litter has come into their own, they are fully weaned, jumping, running, wrestling, and teething like crazy! They behaved wonderfully at their first vet visit, and to add the cherry on top... no one got carsick! These little stinkers have been so much fun. Now down to business. Tomorrow is puppy selection day! Please write down any questions or concerns that you have regarding your selections, and we can discuss this via phone with our selection appointments.
Mr. Blue Mr. Blue/ 2lbs 14oz Mr. Blue remains a crowd favorite. Not only is he easy to spot... he is also quite a ham! He really hogged the camera this week. This little guy is confident, fun, and playful, and has really discovered that a lap is his favorite spot. We have officially confirmed that this little guy has caramel points, meaning that he will have light eyes and a liver nose like his caramel siblings, Ms. Pink and Mr. Black.
Ms. Pink Ms. Pink/ 1lb 14oz This sweet red caramel gal is cute as pie! She is the most reserved pup in the litter and would do best in a mellow household and with folks who are prepared to gently socialize this gal immediately so that she can blossom into a social young pup. Little Pink will likely bond very strongly with her caregiver, she absolutely loves being held. She has the straightest coat of the litter and likely will not have much wave to her coat, especially in the first year while she still has her baby coat. This coat type tends to be the easier to brush through that pups with a lot of curl.
Ms. Yellow Ms. Yellow/ 2lbs 2oz HELD BACK/2ND PICK
Mr. Green:Mr. Green/ 3lbs 2oz BREEDER RESERVED
Mr. Black: Mr. Black/ 2lbs 8oz What an endearing little guy! Mr. Black is just a little gem. His temperament is to die for! He is playful, loving, and cuddly with a classic doodle coat. He is seriously a mini me of daddy Charlie. Below is a photo of Charlie at 10 weeks old for comparison...
Just for fun...
Abby At 8 Weeks
Charlie At 10 Weeks
Temperament Testing 9/07/18
Using [A] for active response, [N] for neutral and [P] for passive based on:
1. Observation. Watching how she plays with other puppies, does she jump right into group activities [A], hanging in the midst of the activity [N], or submitting when approached [P]. Mr. Blue: A Ms. Pink: P Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
2. Play. When you first take a puppy aside to play with, is he hyper [A], easy going [N] or does he just want to be petted [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: P Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
3. Cradle. When cradling a puppy in your arms, does he relax [P], wiggle a bit and then relax [N] or kick like crazy [A]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: P Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
4. Call back. Using a treat or squeak toy and calling to the puppy while backing away, does he race after you while jumping or nipping at your ankles [A], follow happily [N] or hesitate and need coaxing [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: P Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:P Mr. Black: N
5. Tuck and pat. When kneeling/sitting on the floor, settle the puppy between your legs. Pet him in long gentle strokes as you praise him softly. Does he wriggle free as he nips [A], wriggle and then relax [N] or simply melt in your embrace [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: P Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
6. Bend over. Stand up, stretch and relax, Now go to your puppy and lean over to pet him. Your doing this may seem overwhelming to the pup because you're so large and he's so small. Does he jump up at your face [A], cower in confusion [P] or just relax and let it happen [N]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
7. Nose kiss. Cradle your puppy's face in your hands and kiss him on the nose. Does he bite you back [A], accept the smooch calmly or return the interaction with a soft bite or kiss [N] or pull back in confusion [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
8. Toe squeeze. In this exercise, you're testing your puppy's reaction and sensitivity to discomfort. While petting the puppy, gently squeeze the skin between his toes. Does he attack your hand. If so, he's definitely an A type personality with high sensitivity. A neutral puppy may lick or mouth gently, whereas a passive puppy will cringe fearfully. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
9. Startle sound. Take a bunch of keys and when your prospective puppy least expects it, rattle them above his head and gauge his reaction. Does he attack the keys [A]. Does he give it a nonchalant glance [N]. A fear reaction is noted by cowering or withdrawal [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: P Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: P
10. Crash test. Stand and wait until your puppy is no longer interested in you. Suddenly fall to the ground as if you've tripped and exclaim "Ouch" Does the puppy race over and pounce [A], come to sniff or lick your face [N] or cower and run in fear [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
11. Uplift. Lift the puppy 4 inches off the floor by cradling his midsection. Hold him there for at least seconds. Does he wriggle and bite furiously [A]? Does he relax and look around [N]. Does he look fearful and constrict his body posture [P]. Mr. Blue: N Ms. Pink: N Ms. Yellow: N Mr. Green:N Mr. Black: N
All A's: This dominant puppy is bright and interactive. Raising him will take concentration, consistency and time. His favorite expression is "What's Next!"
All N's: Easy going and contained, this puppy will be pleasant and self-assured, though perhaps not terribly motivated to follow your agenda when it conflicts with his own. His favorite expression is "Is it absolutely necessary?"
All P's: This puppy has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to feel safe. Without proper lessons and socialization, he'll be shy. His favorite expression: "It's been 3 minutes, do you still love me?"
Mix of A and N's: This active puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will show slightly more impulse control when stimulated. His favorite expression is: "Let's do it again"
Mix of N and P's: This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a stronger sense of self than a completely passive puppy. Because he's more composed, he'll be an ideal puppy for a calm house with or without older children. Favorite expression: "Another back scratching please!"
08/31/18 - 6 Weeks
This litter is so much fun! These cuties go to their vet appointment at the end of this week, fingers crossed that all goes well. Is everyone ready to make puppy selections next week (Sat 8th)? We will be in touch in the middle of the week to schedule a phone appointment for everyone. Temperament testing and photos will be available next Friday to help with your decision.
Mr. Blue Mr. Blue 1lb 14oz This little guy is definitely still the life of the "parti"! He is confident, playful, and full of life. He is a total ham with tons of personality. Whatever family ends up with this cutie is going to have a blast enjoying his cuddly personality and goofy antics.
Ms. Pink Ms. Pink 1lb 8oz This caramel little gal is an independent little love. She is often happy playing with herself and sleeping away from the others. Though she likes people, she is happy to sit on your feet rather than in your lap.
Ms. Yellow Ms. Yellow 1lb 8oz Such a sweetie! This little gal is teeny tiny with a petite poodle build with a doodle coat- perfect for a small dog lover. She is the most submissive pup in the litter and typically plays with others on her back.
Mr. Green:Mr. Green 2lb 8oz BREEDER RESERVED
Mr. Black: Mr. Black 1lb 14oz Confident, yet gentle and sweet, this pup is middle of the road in this litter. He enjoys playtime just as much as he enjoys quite cuddles with humans! Lovely coat.
08/24/18 - 5 Weeks
This Pupdate is being posted late, but the weights and descriptions below are from 8/24! Mr. Blue Mr. Blue 1lb 6oz This little guy is the life of the "parti"! He is the first one to greet me almost every time, and he enjoys cuddles as much as he enjoys playtime.
Ms. Pink Ms. Pink 1lb 4 oz This caramel little gal is slightly more reserved that her siblings (keep in mind, this very well may change over the next few weeks). She is independent, often sleeping or playing by herself instead of the with the others.
Ms. Yellow Ms. Yellow 1lb 4oz This little gal is always wagging her tail and is just SO cute. She is the most petite-built pup in the litter and really reminds me of her mommy Abby in both her personality and looks. Ms. Yellow loves attention and belly scratches, which she is very willing to flip over for!
Mr. Green:Mr. Green 1lb 12oz BREEDER RESERVED
Mr. Black: Mr. Black 1lb 8oz This handsome guy is the most low key of all the pups so far. He is confident, yet gentle and sweet. He has some killer puppy dog expressions, and often looks up where you can see the whites in his eyes. Precious! He is a spitting image of his daddy, Charlie, as a pup.
08/17/18 - 4 Weeks
Pups moved to our larger dog room today! Since this litter is so small we opted to keep them in a 4x4 rather than transition them to a 4x8 quite yet. They are greatly enjoying their new puppy bed, and they are beginning to learn to potty in their litter area. They are all growing and their personalities are slowly beginning to show. They will start on solid food this week.
One thing to keep in mind with this weeks photos... you may notice that pups have messy, rust colored faces (particularly those with white markings). This is because mommy is extra attentive and clean. She licks her babies faces frequently, and this is causing a reaction to the coat color. This will fade as they get older and mommy spends less time with them.
Mr. Blue Mr. Blue is enthusiastic and quick to greet "humans" when we put our hands in the whelping box. He is the smallest male in the group. He has a small red spot on his ear, and a few red hairs in the middle of his back. 565g
Ms. Pink Ms. Pink is absolutely adorable, and is already showing great structure! She has a very soft, silky coat and her caramel coloring is very unique. I love it! 478g
Ms. Yellow Ms. Yellow is seriously an mini-me of her mommy, Abby! Her tail is quick to wag when we visit with her and she is the smallest pup in the litter at only 468g.
Mr. Green:Mr. Green is a hunk and will likely end up in the low-twenties as an adult. He has striking markings. 610g
Mr. Black: Mr. Black is a mini-me of daddy Charlie! He got both white markings, and the dark red caramel coloring. He is a little more laid back than his siblings (at this moment in time anyway) and is a hunky little fellow at 595g.
08/10/18 - 3 Weeks
These cuties are starting to move and groove! I came in this morning to find Ms. Yellow and Mr. Black up on their feet and playing! As they start to move around, we are beginning to see personalities forming!
Mr. Blue AKA Mr. Handsome! He is a very observant boy, always paying attention to what is going on around him...especially when Mommy is near! 511g
Ms. Pink She may be little, but she knows how to keep up with her siblings! This sweet little gal is starting to get up on her feet more and more every day. 426g
Ms. YellowWhat a sweetheart! This beautiful little girl looks like her mom and is just as loving! 431g
Mr. Green:This little guy is learning how to use his voice! He was cooing for Mom at breakfast time! 535g
Mr. Black: Is it playtime yet? As he learns how to move around more, this little cutie is ready for games! 534g
08/03/18 - 2 Weeks
We have peepers! Eyes are opening, pups are growing so fast! All are FAT and healthy, momma Abby is doing very well.
Mr. BlueWow, this fellows striking coloring still hasn't gotten old! The red markings on his ears has intensified in color this week. I love it! 448g
Ms. Pink This beautiful little gal is red "caramel" like her father Charlie! Stunning! 380g
Ms. YellowWe think this beautiful little gal will be red with dark points (black nose) like her mom, Abby. 412g
Mr. Green:The biggest in the bunch! We are hopeful that he will be staying at Red Spring Farm. 487g
Mr. Black: This handsome fellow was the first one to open his eyes! He is red "caramel" like his father Charlie! 468g
07/27/18 - 1 Week
All pups are doing well! Mom is doing a wonderful job! Despite her small size, she has plenty of milk. She is very attentive to her babies.
Mr. Blueis easy to spot in the whelping pen! It appears he may have some small apricot markings on his ears. Photo updates in the gallery show this. 361 grams
Ms. Pink has twinkle toes! Her back feet have white markings. 308 grams (same as Yellow)!
Ms. Yellowis almost solid red with the exceptions of a tiny bit of white on a hind foot, it is looking like she may have a rose nose like her daddy Charlie! Time will tell! 308 grams (same as Pink)!
Mr. Greenbig boy! Striking markings. 386 grams
Mr. Black has white markings on his forehead, chest, and toes. 368 grams
Mr. Blueis very unusual, he is a nearly pure white "parti" boy weighing in at 198 grams, born at 5:43 PM
Ms. Pinkis a red/apricot girl with minimal white markings weighing in at 176 grams born at 6:09 PM
Ms. Yellowis a red/apricot girl weighing in at 168 grams born at 6:24 PM
Mr. Greenis a red/apricot tux boy weighing in at 208 grams born at 6:31 PM
Mr. Black is a red/apricot boy with white markings weighing in at 213 grams, born at 6:43 PM
Abby is doing an amazing job, she is already a fantastic mommy! She showed very few signs of labor and delivered all 5 in 1 hour exactly. Pretty impressive for a first time mom.