Bonnie & Charlie's
July 2023 Litter
Adult Size: 15-25lb
Color: Red/Apricot, Caramel DOB: 07/14/23 Take Home: Late September MALES: 1. A&L 2. J&B FEMALES 1. RSF- Ms. Pink 2. S.M. (H,E&C!) 3. available! 4. available! |
Temperament testing
Using [A] for active response,
[N] for neutral and
[P] for passive based on:
1. Observation. Watching how she plays with other puppies, does she jump right into group activities [A], hanging in the midst of the activity [N], or submitting when approached [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
2. Play. When you first take a puppy aside to play with, is he active/very playful [A], easy going [N] or does he just want to be petted [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
3. Cradle. When cradling a puppy in your arms, does he relax [P], wiggle a bit and then relax [N] or wiggle and lick like crazy [A].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: P
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: P
Mr. Blue: N
4. Call back. Using a treat or squeak toy and calling to the puppy while backing away, does he race after you while jumping at your ankles [A], follow happily with a trot and tail wag [N] or needs a moment to evaluate the situation before checking it out (praise helps) [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
5. Tuck and pat. When kneeling/sitting on the floor, settle the puppy between your legs. Pet him in long gentle strokes as you praise him softly. Does he wriggle free confidently without giving up [A], wriggle and then relax [N] or simply melt in your embrace [P].
Ms. Yellow: P
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
6. Bend over. Stand up, stretch and relax, Now go to your puppy and lean over to pet him. Your doing this may seem overwhelming to the pup because you're so large and he's so small. Does he jump up at your face playfully [A], crouch submissively with a passive tail way [P] or just relax and let it happen, nonchalantly [N].
Ms. Yellow: P
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: P
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
7. Nose kiss. Cradle your puppy's face in your hands and kiss him on the nose. Does he bite you back [A], accept the smooch calmly or return the interaction with a kiss [N] melts in your arms, just letting it happen [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
8. Toe squeeze. In this exercise, you're testing your puppy's reaction and sensitivity to discomfort. While petting the puppy, gently squeeze the skin between his toes. Does he attack your hand [A], lick or mouth gently [N], or whimper/appear anxious [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
9. Startle sound. Take a bunch of keys and when your prospective puppy least expects it, rattle them above his head and gauge his reaction. Does he playfully "attack" the keys [A], give them a nonchalant glance [N], or crouch submissively and looks to you guidance [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
10. Crash test. Stand and wait until your puppy is no longer interested in you. Suddenly fall to the ground as if you've tripped and yell "Ouch." Does the puppy race over and playfully pounce [A], comes to sniff or lick your face [N], or hangs back to observe what is going on [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
11. Uplift. Lift the puppy 4 inches off the floor by cradling his midsection. Hold him there for at few seconds. Does he wriggle and mouth [A]? Does he relax and look around [N]? Does he "freeze" stiffly[P]?
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
All A's: This dominant puppy is extremely bright and interactive. Raising him will take concentration, consistency and time and an experienced owner is recommended. They can be extremely rewarding pets for someone who wants to put in the work to have a highly trained companion or competition dog of some sort,
All N's: Easy going and contained, "All N" puppies will be pleasant and an ideal pet for most families. These middle-of-the-road pups are confident enough that they won't live for their owner's approval and guidance like a "P" puppy would (N pups can be stubborn at times) but they won't be as defiant as an "A" puppy can be.
All P's: This puppy has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to feel safe. Without proper lessons and socialization, he'll be shy. With proper socializing, "P" pups can "built up" to make excellent family dogs and tend to be very attached to their owners.
Mix of A and N's: This active puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will show more impulse control when stimulated than an all "A" puppy. "A/N" puppies are great for loud/active families that want a pup with lots of personality and confidence, but that are not nearly as intense as "all A" puppies.
Mix of N and P's: This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a stronger sense of self than a completely passive puppy. Because he's more composed, he'll be an ideal puppy for a calm household.
[N] for neutral and
[P] for passive based on:
1. Observation. Watching how she plays with other puppies, does she jump right into group activities [A], hanging in the midst of the activity [N], or submitting when approached [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
2. Play. When you first take a puppy aside to play with, is he active/very playful [A], easy going [N] or does he just want to be petted [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
3. Cradle. When cradling a puppy in your arms, does he relax [P], wiggle a bit and then relax [N] or wiggle and lick like crazy [A].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: P
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: P
Mr. Blue: N
4. Call back. Using a treat or squeak toy and calling to the puppy while backing away, does he race after you while jumping at your ankles [A], follow happily with a trot and tail wag [N] or needs a moment to evaluate the situation before checking it out (praise helps) [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
5. Tuck and pat. When kneeling/sitting on the floor, settle the puppy between your legs. Pet him in long gentle strokes as you praise him softly. Does he wriggle free confidently without giving up [A], wriggle and then relax [N] or simply melt in your embrace [P].
Ms. Yellow: P
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
6. Bend over. Stand up, stretch and relax, Now go to your puppy and lean over to pet him. Your doing this may seem overwhelming to the pup because you're so large and he's so small. Does he jump up at your face playfully [A], crouch submissively with a passive tail way [P] or just relax and let it happen, nonchalantly [N].
Ms. Yellow: P
Ms. Pink: P
Ms. Violet: P
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
7. Nose kiss. Cradle your puppy's face in your hands and kiss him on the nose. Does he bite you back [A], accept the smooch calmly or return the interaction with a kiss [N] melts in your arms, just letting it happen [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: P
8. Toe squeeze. In this exercise, you're testing your puppy's reaction and sensitivity to discomfort. While petting the puppy, gently squeeze the skin between his toes. Does he attack your hand [A], lick or mouth gently [N], or whimper/appear anxious [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
9. Startle sound. Take a bunch of keys and when your prospective puppy least expects it, rattle them above his head and gauge his reaction. Does he playfully "attack" the keys [A], give them a nonchalant glance [N], or crouch submissively and looks to you guidance [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
10. Crash test. Stand and wait until your puppy is no longer interested in you. Suddenly fall to the ground as if you've tripped and yell "Ouch." Does the puppy race over and playfully pounce [A], comes to sniff or lick your face [N], or hangs back to observe what is going on [P].
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
11. Uplift. Lift the puppy 4 inches off the floor by cradling his midsection. Hold him there for at few seconds. Does he wriggle and mouth [A]? Does he relax and look around [N]? Does he "freeze" stiffly[P]?
Ms. Yellow: N
Ms. Pink: N
Ms. Violet: N
Ms. Lavender: N
Mr. Red: N
Mr. Blue: N
All A's: This dominant puppy is extremely bright and interactive. Raising him will take concentration, consistency and time and an experienced owner is recommended. They can be extremely rewarding pets for someone who wants to put in the work to have a highly trained companion or competition dog of some sort,
All N's: Easy going and contained, "All N" puppies will be pleasant and an ideal pet for most families. These middle-of-the-road pups are confident enough that they won't live for their owner's approval and guidance like a "P" puppy would (N pups can be stubborn at times) but they won't be as defiant as an "A" puppy can be.
All P's: This puppy has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to feel safe. Without proper lessons and socialization, he'll be shy. With proper socializing, "P" pups can "built up" to make excellent family dogs and tend to be very attached to their owners.
Mix of A and N's: This active puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will show more impulse control when stimulated than an all "A" puppy. "A/N" puppies are great for loud/active families that want a pup with lots of personality and confidence, but that are not nearly as intense as "all A" puppies.
Mix of N and P's: This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a stronger sense of self than a completely passive puppy. Because he's more composed, he'll be an ideal puppy for a calm household.
Vet Exams!
Pups went to the vet on 9/7! Our vet is EXTREMELY thorough, which we love. She makes a point to note everything about each pup after a thorough examination. We describe puppy vet exams in three different ways... perfect, normal, or abnormal.
Ms. Yellow: Had a perfect vet exam! 1.8lb
Ms. Pink: Had a perfect vet exam! 1.7lb
Ms. Violet: Had a perfect vet exam! 2lb
Ms. Lavender: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.1lb
Mr. Red: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.1lb
Mr. Blue: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.2lb
Little babies! Based on 8wk old weights, looks like all will lean on smaller side, between 15-20lb
- A perfect exam is what it sounds like, it means that the vet didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, and so no notes are made on that pup's record sheet. It is unusual for every pup in a litter to get a perfect vet exam.
- A normal exam is when a pup has something worth noting, but it is not expected to impact the health of the pup, or quality as a pet. It is not unusual for puppies to have imperfect exams at this age. They are growing at a rapid pace, and this sometimes results in awkward phases. In fact, sometimes we have more pups in a litter with "normal" exams than "perfect" exams! Normal exam findings generally correct themselves with age, or (in the case of an umbilical hernia) may need a very simple correction at the time of spay/neuter. Examples of imperfect, but normal puppy exams include a small under or overbite, a small umbilical hernia, "puppy laxity" of the patellas, an low grade heart murmur (which is expected to go away as the pup grows), or a missing a testicle (sometimes they don't both "drop" until a pup is older). We will ALWAYS notify you of any such things at the first vet visit, and you are NOT required to take a pup that you do not feel comfortable with due to any exam finding, even if it is a somewhat normal finding for a growing pup. We will only allow pups to go home if we feel comfortable that the issue is benign or will go away with age.
- An abnormal exam is when a pup has something going on that concerns us for their long term health. An example of this would be severe patellar luxation (extremely loose knee joints- very different than typical puppy laxity), a loud heart murmur (ex, 4 out of 6), cataracts, etc. In these situations, where the severity of the issue in question may impact their long term health, we "pull" the puppy from the reservation list and they are no longer available until we can either wait for the next exam of have the pup checked by a specialist, depending on the issue. We have been very blessed in that every single pup we have ever had to pull from a list due to an abnormal exam has ended up being just fine and the condition went away with age! Still- we don't let pups go to new homes until we are comfortable that they can live normal, happy lives.
Ms. Yellow: Had a perfect vet exam! 1.8lb
Ms. Pink: Had a perfect vet exam! 1.7lb
Ms. Violet: Had a perfect vet exam! 2lb
Ms. Lavender: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.1lb
Mr. Red: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.1lb
Mr. Blue: Had a perfect vet exam! 2.2lb
Little babies! Based on 8wk old weights, looks like all will lean on smaller side, between 15-20lb
Bonnie sweethearts have had a very big week with lots of "firsts"! Not only did they begin exploring the great outdoors, but they have also spent less time with mom as they wean. They are eating solid kibble pieces (mixed with a little warm water) and their little teeny teeth are erupting. They are all active and playful, but a very quiet, easy-going litter overall. They have enjoyed cuddles with dog-savvy children this week (between 6-10yrs of age) and each day they socialize with all two and four legged members of our household.
Ms. Yellow: Precious little sweetheart of the bunch! Loves kisses and cuddles, wants to please.
Ms. Pink: Sweet girl with a spunky side! She loves to be on top when wrestling with her siblings, but will melt in the arms of a child. Her big feelings are always apparent in her expressive eyes.
Ms. Violet: Cute combo of playful and cuddly. Wants to be friends and to please you, adorable eyes!
Ms. Lavender: A very happy, engaging puppy who enjoys interacting with you. Head tilts to funny sounds and very easy to get a tail wag from her!
Mr. Red: Simply full of joy and wants to spread love! Red is a "whole booty" style of tail wagger, social and simply a happy boy.
Mr. Blue: This little chunky monkey is a gentle spirit, loves calm cuddles and will repay you with sweet puppy kisses. Very sweet, expressive eyes.
Ms. Yellow: Precious little sweetheart of the bunch! Loves kisses and cuddles, wants to please.
Ms. Pink: Sweet girl with a spunky side! She loves to be on top when wrestling with her siblings, but will melt in the arms of a child. Her big feelings are always apparent in her expressive eyes.
Ms. Violet: Cute combo of playful and cuddly. Wants to be friends and to please you, adorable eyes!
Ms. Lavender: A very happy, engaging puppy who enjoys interacting with you. Head tilts to funny sounds and very easy to get a tail wag from her!
Mr. Red: Simply full of joy and wants to spread love! Red is a "whole booty" style of tail wagger, social and simply a happy boy.
Mr. Blue: This little chunky monkey is a gentle spirit, loves calm cuddles and will repay you with sweet puppy kisses. Very sweet, expressive eyes.
Toddler Pupdate
Bonnie's sweeties are beginning to toddle about their new larger puppy pen, and will occasionally play a little with one another now. Individual personalities are not evident yet, but we may start seeing hints by the next pupdate. All are BEAUTIFUL and growing well. Bonnie is such a fabulous mother and loves her babies dearly. She is very gentle and loving towards them, what a wonderful dog!
Eye Openers
Blue, Red, Pink
Lavender, Purple, Yellow
Lavender, Purple, Yellow
Happy Birthday!
Introducing two boys and 4 girls!
Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, Ms. Pink, Ms. Purple, Ms. Lavender, Ms. Yellow
Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, Ms. Pink, Ms. Purple, Ms. Lavender, Ms. Yellow