In the order of Black, Aqua, Lavender, Grey, Lime, Gold, Navy, Red, Magenta, Yellow, Violet, Orange, Pink, Blue, and Green.
I got cut off right at the end of the video (I had reached the maximum recording time on my phone) so Miss Yellow's section is partially missing. She is confident and goofy, much like Blue and Green :)
Lucy's Litter
In the order of Lavender, Navy, Grey, Red, Awua, Gold , Black, Magenta, Lime
Harper's Litter
In the order of Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, Orange, Pink
Lucy's Litter
(Turn on volume) in the order of Aqua, Black, Grey, Lavender, Magenta, Lime, Navy, Red, Gold
Harper's Litter
(Turn on volume) In the order of Blue, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Violet, Green
Lucy x Rocky
In the order of Grey, Magenta, Lime, Aqua, Gold, Black, Red, Lavender, Navy
Harper x Rudy
In the order of Violet, Yellow,Orange, Blue, Green, Pink
Lucy x Rocky
Held up in the order of Black, Aqua, Lavender, Grey, Navy, Gold, Red, Magenta, Lime
Harper x Rudy
Held up in the order of Blue, Violet, Pink, Orange, Green, Yellow
Lucy x Rocky Litter
Harper x Rudy Litter
Lucy x Rocky Litter
Harper x Rudy Litter I greatly apologize for Harper's puppy cam being off the last few days! A family on the reservation list brought this to our attention. I didn't realize that it has been set to "private" since Harper's litter moved to a larger pen on Saturday. Don't hesitate to let me know if a camera is down for long periods- sometimes I don't know it!