Layla/Daisy Combined Litter Gallery
New photos will be posted at the end of the day each Friday.
A new video will be posted at the end of the day each Monday.
A new video will be posted at the end of the day each Monday.
All babies had perfect exams :)
Lavender went home with Daisy early so she is not pictured. She is joining her mom's guardian family (as a pet)!
Lavender went home with Daisy early so she is not pictured. She is joining her mom's guardian family (as a pet)!
5/18 video delayed:
Layla's pups go to the vet tomorrow (5/19) and all pups will be getting their first bath!!! So video is delayed until bath time so that we can get their silly bath faces on camera <3
Layla's Pups
In the order of Violet, Lime, Aqua, Red, Grey, Brown, Yellow
Daisy's Pups
In the order of Burgundy, Green,Gold, Black, Navy, Magenta, Orange, Lavender (+2 more of Lavender sleeping that are adorable)
Layla's Litter Videos:
Daisy's Litter Videos:
Puppy Places
Layla's Litter:
In the order of: Yellow, Lime, Violet, Aqua, Brown, Grey, Red
Daisy's Litter:
In the order of: Burgundy, Black, Magenta, Lavender, Green, Navy, Orange, Gold
Layla's Litter
In the order of Brown, Yellow, Red, Grey, Lime, Purple, Aqua
Daisy's Litter
In the order of Gold, Burgundy, Orange, Navy, Magenta, Green, Lavender, Black
Layla's litter in the order of: Red, Brown, Aqua, Grey, Yellow, Violet, Lime
Daisy's litter in the order of: Magenta, Green, Lavender, Orange, Gold, Burgundy, Navy, Black
Group Photo!
*Error edit... Mr. Red is Layla's puppy- NOT Daisy's!
Layla's Litter
3 photos per puppy, in the order of Brown, Aqua, Grey, Red, Yellow, Lime, Violet
Daisy's Litter
3 photos per puppy, in the order of Green, Magenta, Lavender, Navy, Black, Gold, Burgundy, Orange
In the order of Brown, Red, Grey, Aqua, Violet, Lime, Yellow
Daisy's Part 1 (sorry, got cut off by a phone call):
In the order of Gold, Navy, Green, Pink
Quick update on Pink: she is doing well considering everything- preventing dehydration has been a battle the last couple of days, sub-q fluids helped. She is still struggling to gain weight, but overall the fact that she is still here and not declining is a really promising sign. As of today, we are pretty much exclusively tube feeding her every 3 hours or so. This schedule seems to have perked her up a bit and I am going to continue it through this week- then hopefully we will see her start to make significant gains and perhaps get her nursing again. My big goal is to keep her with mom and siblings. Long term health of this girl is questionable at this point, which is part of the reason I pulled her from the litter list for now, but I am hopeful she is just having a rough start due to her small birth size.
Daisy's Part 2:
In the order of Magenta, Lavender, Black, Burgundy, Orange
Layla's Litter
Daisy's Litter
Colors have been assigned to these beautiful babies!
Daisy's beautiful newborns! First 3 are girls, last 6 are boys. Boone is most DEFINITELY that father of this litter (way to go Boone)! The last image is of the interesting "birthmark" on the parti boy. ID colors will be assigned for both Daisy and Layla's litter once I get some sleep!!!
Layla's beautiful newborns! First 4 are boys, last 3 are girls. ID colors will be assigned once Daisy's litter is born.