Red Spring Farm
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Online Puppy Application
Our application is easiest to fill out on a desktop or laptop computer! You should hear from us within 5 business days of submitting your application.
We respond to ALL applications, so if you do not receive a response from us in this time, please text or email me directly:
Kristen: 336-465-6023
[email protected]
If approved, you will have the option to place a deposit. PLEASE make sure you have read the full
Application & Purchase Process
prior to submission. If you have any questions regarding the Application and Purchase Process, don't hesitate to as us when we chat for clarification.
All information submitted in this application is private and will never be sold to a third party.
This application will be saved by Red Spring Farm for record-keeping purposes.
Indicates required field
Preferred Name
What Do You Want Us To Call You
Legal Name
Legal Name is Required for Record-Keeping Purposes
Email is Our Main Form of Correspondence.
Phone Number
Though our main mode of correspondence is via Email, we require a phone number so that, if Email communication fails, we have a backup.
PLEASE make sure that your email address is correct!
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Your Address Is Required For Record Keeping Purposes
Names and Ages of All Family Members in Home
Does Any Family Member Have A History Of Pet Allergies? How About Dog Allergies?
Yes, But Not To A Dog
Yes, Dog Allergies
If Yes, What Animal(s) or Dog Breed(s) Caused The Reaction?
Who Will Be The Primary Caretaker Of The Dog?
Who Will Be The Secondary/Backup Caretaker Of The Dog? (Include Relation)
Contact Information Not Required
At this time, are ALL household members fully aware, prepared, and excited to add a puppy to your family?
Not quite yet (it's complicated)!
No, but I will be the full caretaker.
We have discussed it, they are aware that I'm applying
We have discussed it, they aren't aware that I'm applying
We have not yet discussed it
Are You Applying To Be A Guardian Home?
If you are located within 30 Minutes of Asheboro, NC (zip 27205), you may qualify for our Guardian Home Program. This is where we place a breeding quality pup with you free of charge in exchange for your service of providing the pup with a loving, forever family home. For more information, visit our
Guardian Home Program
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Additional Information Needed >
If yes, provide a description. How large is the area? Describe the fencing. Is it connected or disconnected from the home?
If no, how do you plan to exercise the dog? Do you have access to an area where the dog can safely and regularly exercise off-leash?
Current Dogs Living In The Home (Please Include Breed, Age, Gender, Temperament, etc.)
Are They Spayed/Neutered? Are they up To Date on Flea/Tick/Heartworm Prevention Medication?
What Dog Food Are You Currently Feeding? (If Applicable)
Non-Dog Pets In The Home (Check All That Apply)
Horses/Cows/Large Livestock
Chickens/Goats/Small Livestock
If Other, Please Describe.
Previously Owned Dogs (Include breed and brief explanation of why the dog is no longer in your care, or cause of death)
Have You Ever Relinquished A Pet To Animal Control or a Shelter, or Been Charged with Animal Neglect or Abuse?
Have you ever bred dogs, or are you currently a breeder or considering breeding? This applies to any breed of dog, not just Doodles.
Why Do You Want A Red Spring Farm Doodle?
Family Pet/Companionship
Therapy/Service Dog
Agility, Flyball, or Other Sport
If Other, Please Describe (We Do Not Offer Breeding Dogs To Anyone At This Time, Please Do Not Ask!)
When Are You Looking To Bring A Puppy Home?
Your Home Is Best Described As...
The Area Where You Reside Is Best Described As...
Do You Own Your Home?
We only breed smaller sized Doodles.
We will do our best to get you a puppy that lands within your selected size range at adulthood, but keep in mind that anticipated adult weight is an estimate, not a guarantee!
Size Range (Check All That Apply)
All of our dogs must be spayed or neutered, therefore, both males or females will make excellent pets, and there are no steadfast personality differences in the gender of altered pets.
ONLY Female
Open to Either
Doodles have very high maintenance coats. Regardless of coat type, your pup will require daily brushing, and regular visits to a professional groomer (every 4-6 weeks).
Preferred Coat Type
Not Sure
Certain coloration and markings are unusual and/or difficult to obtain. The more colors that you select, the sooner a pup may be available!
Preferred Colors (Check All That Apply)
Cream to Gold
Apricot to Red
Some White Markings
Parti (White w/ colored patches)
Any Color or Pattern
Which Veterinary Clinic/Hospital Will You Be Using?
Please Provide The Phone Number Of Your Veterinarian:
Do you plan to pick up the puppy at our home or at the Greensboro Airport? (We are located in Advance, NC).
Pick-Up At Breeder's Home
Meet The Breeder At The Airport
Is there anything you want us to know about you that may help us with the application and puppy placement process? Do you have any questions for us? We can answer these questions when we send you our post-application email.
Where will the dog primarily stay during the day and when left alone? What about at night? When you're out of town?
How many hours a day will the dog typically be alone?
Give an estimate or range for a typical work day
If you are on social media and comfortable sharing, feel free to provide a link below.
Why do we do this? We occasionally receive applications from backyard/mill breeders attempting to purchase a puppy with ill-intent. The more information you provide, the easier it is for us to verify that you will cherish a pet puppy from us.
Provide a reference (name/number/relation to you).
How did you hear about us? If it was online, what website or google search brought you to us?
Can we thank one of our puppy owners for the referral?
I understand that Red Spring Farm pups are $3000. Regardless of my ranking on the waiting list, Red Spring Farm always reserves the right to hold back any puppy for breeding purposes. This may occur at any time before puppy selection day.
I Understand and Agree to These Terms
I understand and agree that NO PUPPY from Red Spring Farm is purchased with breeding rights. All dogs are sold with a binding spay/neuter and health contract. Any purchaser who breeds OR attempts to breed a Red Spring Farm dog WILL have legal action taken out against them. We take this seriously. Please do not contact us if you think you may want to breed our puppy now or in the future. We will never grant breeding rights later in the life of the dog.
I Understand and Agree to These Terms
Thank you for filling out our puppy application!
This gives us a great picture of what you and your family are looking for. Expect an EMAIL response within 5 business days of submitting your application.
If you do not hear from us in this time frame, please
ontact us
to confirm that we received your application. We will
respond to your application (but
retain the right to refuse any application).
The Breeder
Owner Testimonials
Farm Gallery
Available Puppies
Special Needs/Adoption
Guardian Program
Our Dogs
Puppy Prep
New Puppy Checklist
Recommended Products
Dog Food
Puppy Training