Sadie x Rudy
Sadie gave birth on July 6th, 2022!
1 week of age: "Newborn Photoshoot"
3 weeks of age: "Eyes Open Photoshoot"
5 weeks of age: "Toddler Photoshoot" and weights
6 weeks of age: "Pick Me Photoshoot" and weights,
temperament testing, personality description, and vet exam
7 weeks of age: "Going Home Photoshoot"
3 weeks of age: "Eyes Open Photoshoot"
5 weeks of age: "Toddler Photoshoot" and weights
6 weeks of age: "Pick Me Photoshoot" and weights,
temperament testing, personality description, and vet exam
7 weeks of age: "Going Home Photoshoot"
****Due to me being late posting puppy selection information, I am postponing the selection "due date" to August 27th! Feel free to reach out prior if you KNOW your choice and want to lock it in****
To select a pup, simply email me your choice of puppy based on your spot on the selection list by then end of the day. Contact me via text/call, or email if you have any questions.
Example- 1st choice only needs to send me their favorite puppy, 3rd choice needs to send me their top 3 in order of most to least preferred pup.
Vet visits went great! All normal except: Mr. Red had minor abnormality due to a birth injury (explained in video). Our vet strongly feels this shouldn't pose any issues and is aesthetic only. Just in case, we will "guarantee" this (pay for medical coverage up to the cost of the puppy if it ever requires some sort of minor surgical repair). Contact us if you'd like additional information about this. I will post a video with information below.
Blue: 2.5lb, Mr. Blue is fun loving, playful, social, and the perfect amount of spunky. He loves other puppies and people alike, and is confident in new situations. He understands eye contact, and is very engaged and alert. He is an intelligent pup that may train you if you aren't careful! But perfect for an active family who is excited to take their pup to obedience classes, and watch him solve puppy IQ toys at home. He has a loose curly coat. He rated "very neutral, leaning assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (9N, 2A)
Red: 2.6lb, Mr. Red is a super sweet, cuddly boy who thrives on attention. He likes to explore new things behind brother "Blue" and he especially loves hanging out with the adult dogs here at Red Spring Farm. He is a good mixture of confident/independent but also people oriented. Mr. Red has a wavy fleece coat. He rated "very neutral, leaning passive" on the temperament testing scale below (10N, 1A)
Green: 2.6lb This handsome dood is definitely the love bug of the litter. He is go with the flow, and happy to tag along on whatever adventure you decide to embark on. While he would prefer a snuggle, he is alright going on his own adventure for a little while too (as long as he gets a cuddle after too). He has a nice, middle of the road temperament. He rated "very neutral," on the temperament testing scale below (11N)
Purple: 2.7lb This girl is hilarious! She is perfect for an active family that wants a pup that loves everyone she meets. Her tail never stops wagging! She is a little bitty girl but that doesn't slow her down one bit. She is confident, a fast learner, and ready to play! She rated "neutral to assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (8N, 3A)
Pink: 2.6lb Ms. Pink is a little princess. She prances around the pen like a dancer and holds her own with the larger pups. She is a smart cookie who was the first escape artist of the group. She is going to be very attached to "her" people. She rated "very neutral, leaning assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (10N, 1A)
Temperament Testing:
Using [A] for assertive response
[N] for neutral and
[P] for passive based on:
1. Observation. Watching how he plays with other puppies, does she jump right
into group activities [A], hanging in the midst of the activity [N], or submitting
when approached [P].
Blue: A
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: N
2. Play. When you first take a puppy aside to play with, is he hyper [A], easy going
[N] or does he just want to be petted [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
3. Cradle. When cradling a puppy in your arms, does he relax [P], wiggle a bit and
then relax [N] or kick like crazy [A].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: N
4. Call back. Using a treat or squeak toy and calling to the puppy while backing
away, does he race after you while jumping at your ankles [A], follow
happily [N] or hesitate and need coaxing [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
5. Tuck and pat. When kneeling/sitting on the floor, settle the puppy between your
legs. Pet him in long gentle strokes as you praise him softly. Does he wriggle until he is
free [A], wriggle and then relax [N] or simply melt in your embrace [P].
Blue: N
Red: P
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
6. Bend over. Stand up, stretch and relax. Now go to your puppy and lean over to
pet him. Your doing this may seem overwhelming to the pup because you're so
large and he's so small. Does he jump up at you [A], crouch and freeze [P]
or just relax and let it happen [N].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
7. Nose kiss. Cradle your puppy's face in your hands and kiss him on the nose.
Does he bite you back [A], accept the smooch calmly or return the interaction
with a soft bite or kiss [N] or freeze [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
8. Toe squeeze. In this exercise, you're testing your puppy's reaction and sensitivity
to discomfort. While petting the puppy, gently squeeze the skin between his toes.
Does he attack your hand. If so, he's definitely an A type personality with high
sensitivity. A neutral puppy may lick or mouth gently, whereas a passive puppy
will whimper and appear anxious.
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
9. Startle sound. Take a bunch of keys and when your prospective puppy least
expects it, rattle them above his head and gauge his reaction. Does he attack the
keys [A]. Does he give it a nonchalant glance [N]. A fear reaction is noted by
crouching or withdrawal [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
10. Crash test. Stand and wait until your puppy is no longer interested in you.
Suddenly fall to the ground as if you've tripped and exclaim "Ouch" Does the
puppy race over and pounce [A], come to sniff or lick your face [N] or run the
other way [P].
Blue: A
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: A
11. Uplift. Lift the puppy 4 inches off the floor by cradling his midsection. Hold him
there for at few seconds. Does he wriggle until he is set free [A]? Does he relax
and look around [N]. Does he look nervous and constrict his body posture [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
All A's: This dominant puppy is bright and interactive. Raising him will take
concentration, consistency and time. His favorite expression is "What's Next!"
All N's: Easy going and contained, this puppy will be pleasant and self-assured, though
perhaps not terribly motivated to follow your agenda when it conflicts with his own. His
favorite expression is "Is it absolutely necessary?"
All P's: This puppy has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to gain confidence.
Without proper lessons and socialization, he'll be shy. His favorite expression: "It's been
3 minutes, do you still love me?"
Mix of A and N's: This active puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will
show more impulse control when stimulated than an all A pup. His favorite expression is: "Let's do
it again"
Mix of N and P's: This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a
stronger sense of self than a completely passive puppy. Because he's more composed,
he'll be an ideal puppy for a calm house with or without older children.
Favorite expression: "Another back scratching please!
To select a pup, simply email me your choice of puppy based on your spot on the selection list by then end of the day. Contact me via text/call, or email if you have any questions.
Example- 1st choice only needs to send me their favorite puppy, 3rd choice needs to send me their top 3 in order of most to least preferred pup.
Vet visits went great! All normal except: Mr. Red had minor abnormality due to a birth injury (explained in video). Our vet strongly feels this shouldn't pose any issues and is aesthetic only. Just in case, we will "guarantee" this (pay for medical coverage up to the cost of the puppy if it ever requires some sort of minor surgical repair). Contact us if you'd like additional information about this. I will post a video with information below.
Blue: 2.5lb, Mr. Blue is fun loving, playful, social, and the perfect amount of spunky. He loves other puppies and people alike, and is confident in new situations. He understands eye contact, and is very engaged and alert. He is an intelligent pup that may train you if you aren't careful! But perfect for an active family who is excited to take their pup to obedience classes, and watch him solve puppy IQ toys at home. He has a loose curly coat. He rated "very neutral, leaning assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (9N, 2A)
Red: 2.6lb, Mr. Red is a super sweet, cuddly boy who thrives on attention. He likes to explore new things behind brother "Blue" and he especially loves hanging out with the adult dogs here at Red Spring Farm. He is a good mixture of confident/independent but also people oriented. Mr. Red has a wavy fleece coat. He rated "very neutral, leaning passive" on the temperament testing scale below (10N, 1A)
Green: 2.6lb This handsome dood is definitely the love bug of the litter. He is go with the flow, and happy to tag along on whatever adventure you decide to embark on. While he would prefer a snuggle, he is alright going on his own adventure for a little while too (as long as he gets a cuddle after too). He has a nice, middle of the road temperament. He rated "very neutral," on the temperament testing scale below (11N)
Purple: 2.7lb This girl is hilarious! She is perfect for an active family that wants a pup that loves everyone she meets. Her tail never stops wagging! She is a little bitty girl but that doesn't slow her down one bit. She is confident, a fast learner, and ready to play! She rated "neutral to assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (8N, 3A)
Pink: 2.6lb Ms. Pink is a little princess. She prances around the pen like a dancer and holds her own with the larger pups. She is a smart cookie who was the first escape artist of the group. She is going to be very attached to "her" people. She rated "very neutral, leaning assertive" on the temperament testing scale below (10N, 1A)
Temperament Testing:
Using [A] for assertive response
[N] for neutral and
[P] for passive based on:
1. Observation. Watching how he plays with other puppies, does she jump right
into group activities [A], hanging in the midst of the activity [N], or submitting
when approached [P].
Blue: A
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: N
2. Play. When you first take a puppy aside to play with, is he hyper [A], easy going
[N] or does he just want to be petted [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
3. Cradle. When cradling a puppy in your arms, does he relax [P], wiggle a bit and
then relax [N] or kick like crazy [A].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: N
4. Call back. Using a treat or squeak toy and calling to the puppy while backing
away, does he race after you while jumping at your ankles [A], follow
happily [N] or hesitate and need coaxing [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
5. Tuck and pat. When kneeling/sitting on the floor, settle the puppy between your
legs. Pet him in long gentle strokes as you praise him softly. Does he wriggle until he is
free [A], wriggle and then relax [N] or simply melt in your embrace [P].
Blue: N
Red: P
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
6. Bend over. Stand up, stretch and relax. Now go to your puppy and lean over to
pet him. Your doing this may seem overwhelming to the pup because you're so
large and he's so small. Does he jump up at you [A], crouch and freeze [P]
or just relax and let it happen [N].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
7. Nose kiss. Cradle your puppy's face in your hands and kiss him on the nose.
Does he bite you back [A], accept the smooch calmly or return the interaction
with a soft bite or kiss [N] or freeze [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
8. Toe squeeze. In this exercise, you're testing your puppy's reaction and sensitivity
to discomfort. While petting the puppy, gently squeeze the skin between his toes.
Does he attack your hand. If so, he's definitely an A type personality with high
sensitivity. A neutral puppy may lick or mouth gently, whereas a passive puppy
will whimper and appear anxious.
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
9. Startle sound. Take a bunch of keys and when your prospective puppy least
expects it, rattle them above his head and gauge his reaction. Does he attack the
keys [A]. Does he give it a nonchalant glance [N]. A fear reaction is noted by
crouching or withdrawal [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
10. Crash test. Stand and wait until your puppy is no longer interested in you.
Suddenly fall to the ground as if you've tripped and exclaim "Ouch" Does the
puppy race over and pounce [A], come to sniff or lick your face [N] or run the
other way [P].
Blue: A
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: A
Pink: A
11. Uplift. Lift the puppy 4 inches off the floor by cradling his midsection. Hold him
there for at few seconds. Does he wriggle until he is set free [A]? Does he relax
and look around [N]. Does he look nervous and constrict his body posture [P].
Blue: N
Red: N
Green: N
Purple: N
Pink: N
All A's: This dominant puppy is bright and interactive. Raising him will take
concentration, consistency and time. His favorite expression is "What's Next!"
All N's: Easy going and contained, this puppy will be pleasant and self-assured, though
perhaps not terribly motivated to follow your agenda when it conflicts with his own. His
favorite expression is "Is it absolutely necessary?"
All P's: This puppy has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to gain confidence.
Without proper lessons and socialization, he'll be shy. His favorite expression: "It's been
3 minutes, do you still love me?"
Mix of A and N's: This active puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will
show more impulse control when stimulated than an all A pup. His favorite expression is: "Let's do
it again"
Mix of N and P's: This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a
stronger sense of self than a completely passive puppy. Because he's more composed,
he'll be an ideal puppy for a calm house with or without older children.
Favorite expression: "Another back scratching please!
Had a very hard time getting a good video of these boys! I will try to add one more video tomorrow once they have had time to rest and the weather will (hopefully) be much better. Very stormy, yucky weather today has kept us inside. Enjoy!
Toddler Photoshoot
For those on this list, please take a peek at the following link: Take Home Prep
"Eye Openers"
We are so excited to formally introduce:
Ms. Pink, Ms. Purple, Mr. Green, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue
Ms. Pink, Ms. Purple, Mr. Green, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue